[SNSF – ERA-NET E-Rare-3]


Event details

Date 06.02.2018
Category Call for proposal

The ERA-Net “E-Rare” for research programmes on rare diseases has been extended to a third phase “E-Rare-3” (2014-2019) to further help in coordinating the research efforts of European countries in the field of rare diseases and implement the objectives of International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC). The aim of the call is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with a clear translational research approach. The projects have to focus on hypothesis-driven use of multi-omic integrated approaches for discovery of disease causes and/or on functional validation in the context of rare diseases.
Consortia must include 3 to 6 eligible partners from at least three different countries. Each consortium partner is funded by its national funding body, for Switzerland the SNSF. Applicants MUST contact their national contacts points prior submission to check their eligibility (see also the Guidelines for applicants).
Funding and duration
Funding amount: not specified, SNSF budget is ca. 1 Million CHF for 3-4 funded research groups
Duration: 3 years

Submission deadlines: pre-proposal, February 6th 2018; full proposal, June 19th 2018
Application: see the Pre-proposal submission form and the submission website
For more information: please have a look at the call  E-Rare website, call documents or contact the Research Office

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


Event broadcasted in
