Solution to a Hierarchy Problem


Event details

Date 20.06.2016
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Nikita Blinov (SLAC)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Many theories require augmenting the Standard Model with additional scalar fields with large order one couplings. We present a new solution to the hierarchy problem for these scalar fields. I will discuss Z2-symmetric theories where the Standard Model Higgs potential has two vacua. The Z2 copy of the Higgs lives in the minimum far from the origin while our Higgs occupies the minimum near the origin of the potential. This approach results in a theory with multiple light scalar fields but with only a single hierarchy problem, since the bare mass is tied to the Higgs mass by a discrete symmetry. The new scalar does not have a new hierarchy problem associated with it because its expectation value and mass are generated by dimensional transmutation of the scalar quartic coupling. The location of the second Higgs minimum is not a free parameter, but is rather a function of the matter content of the theory. As a result, these theories are extremely predictive. We develop this idea in the context of a solution to the strong CP problem. We show this mechanism postdicts the top Yukawa to be within 1σ of the currently measured value and predicts scalar color octets within reach of a future collider.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Riccardo Torre


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