Stones and Beams


Event details

Date 16.04.2012
Hour 18:30
Speaker Antón García-Abril, architect, Ensamble Studio, Madrid
Espace Archizoom
Category Conferences - Seminars
The work of ENSAMBLE STUDIO belongs to two realities, opposite and complementary, that trace a nonlinear discourse through his work.
The world of nature in which the specific conditions of the territory including, besides the physical conditions of the site, the cultural, historical, artistic conditions. What is given by nature and by the site.
These structures are dense, heavy and linked to the local.
The world of the laboratory, in which there are no prerequisites, besides the ones marked by reality. The creation, the synthesis and engineering create an architecture that transcends the site.
These structures are tense, light, and linked to the global.
The projects fall between these two extremes, creating a balance between them, creating a sincere and consistent body of work.

Antón García-Abril, (Madrid, 1969) is a European PhD Architect and associate professor in the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (E.T.S.A.M.-U.P.M.). He received the Spanish Academy Research Prize in Rome in 1996. In 2000 he establishes ENSAMBLE STUDIO leading a team in search for architectural application of conceptual and structural experimentation. He has been invited professor at the M.I.T. in 2011, the Graduate School of Design of Harvard University in 2010 and Cornell University in 2008 among other universities in America and Europe. He writes about architecture in El Culturalmagazine from El Mundo newspaper, and has been part of important prize juries like the BBVA Foundation's “Frontiers of Knowledge Prize”, given to Steven Holl in 2009. His office has been awarded with important prizes like The Rice Design Alliance Prize to emerging architects in 2009 or the Architectural Record Design Vanguard Prize in 2005, and has been recently selected by SANAA to participate in the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2010. There is a constant research work in his projects which are exposed structures that explore the essence of materials to create space. The Music Studies Center and the SGAE Central Office in Santiago de Compostela, the Martemar House in Malaga, theHemeroscopium House in Madrid and more recently The Truffle in Costa da Morte (Spain), have been internationally published. In 2009, he founded the Positive City Foundation to research the urban phenomenon. He travels worldwide, lecturing and teaching at different universities and institutions, the most recent ones being the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Kunstakademie of Düsseldorf, AA London, Instituto Cervantes Chicago, Bienne Forum de l'architecture and Bauhaus University Weimar.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Atelier Professeur Jeannette Kuo



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