Stringy WZW models as integrable deformations


Event details

Date 26.11.2018
Hour 14:00
Speaker Alessandro Sfondrini (ETH, Zurich)
Category Conferences - Seminars

Integrability techniques have been crucial to compute non-protected observables in AdS/CFT. Recently it was understood that the AdS3xS3xT4 stringy Wess-Zumino-Witten model, which is most often studied as a worldsheet CFT, can also be thought of as a very simple integrable model---in fact, an integrable deformation (of the T-Tbar type) of a free theory. I will describe how this can be done and how to compute the full spectrum of this model; I will also comment on how one might be able to compute more complicated observables, such as correlation functions, by integrability.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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