Structural assessment and seismic retrofitting of sacral and heritage buildings, Juraj Pojatina / ENAC


Event details

Date 02.02.2024
Hour 11:3013:00
Speaker Juraj Pojatina
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
The presentation will be followed by discussion/questions, and sandwiches.

Juraj Pojatina - Short Bio
Structural Engineer from Zagreb, Croatia, with over 20 years of experience in steelwork, concrete, timber and masonry. Licensed consultant for research, documenting and renovation of historic structures by Croatian Ministry of Culture. Also, active heritage buildings seismic consultant by the Croatian Centre for Earthquake Engineering - CCEE. Building seismic assessment expert for U.S. Department of State in southeastern Europe. After 2020 Zagreb Earthquake, actively engaged in public buildings assessments, acts as seismic expert in several committees by the Ministry of construction, the Ministry of culture and the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Regularly participates and presents at heritage building conferences worldwide.
After the 2020 earthquakes in Zagreb and Petrinja, sacral buildings were severely damaged. Due to the limited time constraints and funding restrictions for the structural repair and retrofit, the usual long-lasting procedures had to be performed fast and the repairing solutions had to be sufficiently safe and feasible. The presentation shows all phases of the assessment with its wide range of involved competences, investigative field-research for all kinds of materials and building techniques up to complex structural analysis using non-linear theory for identification of potential vulnerabilities in order to understand structure behavior. Finally, a wide spectrum of implemented seismic retrofitting solutions for church towers, vaults, arches and walls is presented, from its first sketches to the construction site photos.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • ENAC


  • Katrin Beyer    

Event broadcasted in
