Student Welcome Day


Event details

Date 06.09.2024
Hour 13:4516:30
STCC auditoire C
Category Conferences - Seminars

General information _ Swiss Tech Convention Center - Auditorium C
13:45 : Sophie Delhay, Directrice de la Section / Head of the Architecture Section
14:10 : Bureau de l’égalité / Diversity Office 
14:20 : Katrin Beyer, Doyenne de la faculté ENAC / Dean of the ENAC Faculty

It is possible to attend this first part on zoom:

Propedeutical Year information (1st year)_ Swiss Tech Convention Center - Auditorium C
14:30 : ALICE y1 (Laila Seewang, Dieter Dietz)
15:15 : Agepoly (Association Générale des Etudiant·es de l’EPFL)
15:30 : ASAR (Association des étudiant·es de la Section d’ARchitecture) 
16:00: Coaching. Introducing Studio Directors (Laurent Chassot) and going to set up Ateliers (ALICE y1 Team)
16:30: Fin / End

Information session for new Master Students, Exchange Students and Passerelle HES Students _ Room SG 0 211
15:00-16:00 _ Laure Kochnitzky Palluel, deputy architecture section