[ Swiss Bridge Foundation Award 2018 | Research Funding ]


Event details

Date 30.04.2018
Category Call for proposal

Swiss Bridge is a private foundation associated with the Swiss Cancer League, the Swiss Cancer Research foundation and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), and supports high-quality cancer research focusing on immuno-oncology biomarkers in Europe.
Who can apply: early stage researchers (under the age of 45) holding a PhD or MD and having obtained an independent position at a hospital, university, or research institute in Europe (e.g. junior group leaders, assistant professors, lecturers, scientists establishing their own research group).
Funding & Duration: up to CHF 300’000 per applicant for up to 3 years
Eligible costs: personnel (excluding the PI’s salary), consumables, travel cost, publications fees.
Does NOT cover: indirect costs, infrastructure, bench fees or overheads.
April 30, 2018 (Call deadline): submit your proposal to [email protected]
Application & Evaluation:

  1. Submit a note of intent by April 30, 2018. Please follow these guidelines.
  2. The proposals will be evaluated by an international scientific jury.
  3. 6-8 investigators will be shortlisted and invited to submit a detailed research application by mid-June 2018.
  4. Upon peer review and recommendation from the scientific jury, up to 3 projects will receive funding.
For more information and application: Please have a look at the call guidelines.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

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