The Michael J. Fox Foundation - Therapeutics Pipeline Program | Research Funding


Event details

Date 27.07.2023
Category Call for proposal
Aim:  The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) funds research to better define, measure, and treat Parkinson’s disease as well as critical tools and other resources to advance that research. The Pre-clinical Therapeutics Pipeline Program seeks to accelerate the path of the therapeutic pipeline towards the clinic through the support of ambitious and scientifically robust pre-clinical studies aiming at developing and/or testing treatments and/or interventions that can address the unmet needs of people with PD. To meet this goal, we are currently only accepting applications from industry groups and academia-industry partnerships.

When considering applications submitted to this program, MJFF is interested in programs that aim to:
  • Identify, validate or develop novel pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies through any of the pre-clinical stages of the therapeutics discovery and development process (from early screening campaigns to pre-clinical characterization nd testing). Therapies can address any PD motor or non-motor symptoms or could be aimed at preventing, stopping or delaying disease progression.
  • Test repurposed/repositioned therapies hitting priority PD pathways/targets in pre- clinical PD models.

For this program, MJFF will not consider proposals focused on the following:
  • Applications for target identification, proposing early discovery studies to identify new targets (e.g., large-scale screening or genomic/transcriptomic analyses).
  • Applications proposing genetic model systems and/or genetic manipulation to validate biological targets, except if used as therapeutic approach(es).
  • Clinical trials
Funding:       No set funding ceiling

Duration:      24 months

Eligibility: Applications may be submitted by researchers or clinicians in:
  • U.S. and non-U.S. biotechnology/pharmaceutical/medical device companies, or other publicly or privately held for-profit entities; and
  • U.S. and non-U.S. public and private non-profit entities, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, laboratories, units of state and local governments, and eligible agencies of the federal government in collaboration with biotechnology/pharmaceutical/medical device companies, or other publicly or privately held for-profit entities.
  • Post-doctoral fellows are eligible to apply as co-investigators with the designation of an administrative primary investigator who directs the laboratory in which the fellow will conduct research.

How to Apply: The two-stage application process begins with an LOI, which can be submitted on a rolling basis on the MJFF Grant Portal. Instructions for submitting LOIs can be found here. Selected applicants will be notified within two weeks, and will be invited to submit a full proposal by one of the four deadlines (see below). Budgets should be formulated to include 15% OH.

Deadlines (full proposals):           12 January 2023
                                                             23 March 2023
                                                             25 May 2023
                                                             27 July 2023

Further information
  • More information about the program is available here
  • For any other questions, please contact the Research Office


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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