Unlearning Center


Event details

Date 04.03.2024
Hour 13:0017:30
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French, English

Organized by the ASAR ("Association of Students of the Architecture Section"), this event addresses the actors of our section and raises questions about their working conditions, their living spaces, their teaching and learning methods, and their involvement in the life of the school. It questions our relationship with this institution, as well as its pedagogical and production methods. It invites us to gather and exchange ideas on our relationships with others and with our institution. 
Together, we hope to learn from our (dis)agreements, our divergent opinions, our discomforts, our revolts, but also from our shared interests and passions. The aim is to provide a space and time for dialogue, essential for conviviality and the creation of a common body.
We invite you to exchange, share, tolerate, criticize, listen, (un)learn, (un)build together, as we inhabit the walls of our school together for an afternoon.
This edition of Unlearning will take place in 4 stages : 
1. Discussions in the studios
1-3pm : Launch of discussions with the Unlearning team
2. Snack and exchange
            3-4pm : Cakes and syrups prepared by ASAR
3. Narrative interventions
4-4.30pm : Presentations from various Unlearning actors
4. Open forum and free time
4.30-5.30pm : Opinions, questions, exchange of ideas/solutions, anecdotes etc.
To encourage everyone to submit their initiatives or meet us, the Unlearning team will be present during this week’s lunch breaks at the entrance of the SG building.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • ASAR


Event broadcasted in
