U.S. CDMRP – Melanoma Research Program (MRP) | Research Funding


Event details

Date 29.07.2024
Category Call for proposal

Through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP), the Department of Defense is announcing the 2024 Melanoma Research Program (MRP). Several award programs are available:

  • The Focused Program Award - Rare Melanomas is intended to support a multidisciplinary research program of at least two, but not more than three, distinct but complementary projects addressing an overarching question relevant to rare melanomas (see Figure 1 on the next page). Applications for the FPARM may propose projects across the entire research spectrum (biology, etiology, prevention, diagnosis and detection, prognosis, treatment, and quality of life) and must address a critical unmet need relevant to rare melanomas (e.g., uveal, acral, mucosal, pediatric).
  • The Idea Award aims to generate novel research avenues for investigation; therefore, novelty and innovation should be key aspects of the proposed research. Research supported by the Idea Award must introduce a new paradigm, challenge existing paradigms, look at existing problems from new perspectives, or exhibit other highly creative qualities. The proposed project must be exploratory, hypothesis-driven, or hypothesis-generating research and be based on a well-developed study design and plan of analysis.
All applications must specifically address at least one of the Focus Areas listed in this document.
  • The Melanoma Academy Scholar Award intent is to solicit applications for Scholars to join the MA. This award mechanism enables the Scholar to pursue a melanoma project, with the guidance of a Career Guide, that may be basic, translational, and/or clinical research. The Career Guide does not have to be at the same institution as the Scholar. In addition to the activities described above, the Scholar and their Career Guide are required to attend a Department of Defense (DOD) MRP biennial multiday MA workshop. In alternate years, they must also attend a DOD MRP MA 1-day workshop.
All applications must specifically address at least one of the Focus Areas listed in this document.
  • The Survivorship Research Award is intended to support research designed to have a major impact on the health and well-being of melanoma survivors, their families, and/or caregivers. Impactful research will accelerate the movement of promising ideas into clinical applications or other real-world applications and advance the field of melanoma-specific quality of life and survivorship.
All applications must specifically address at least one of the Focus Areas listed in this document.
  • Team Science Award is a synergistic effort that harnesses techniques, approaches, and perspectives from multiple disciplines and/or therapeutic areas to address complex, multidimensional problems that will impact patient outcomes. The TSA is intended to bring together investigators from divergent disciplines to achieve innovations and advancements in melanoma research and/or patient care that could not be achieved by any one investigator working independently. While basic research is allowed, all applications are expected to articulate the short- and long-term benefits of the expected research outcomes for the melanoma patient community.
All applications must specifically address at least one of the Focus Areas listed in this document.

  • Focused Program Award - Rare Melanomas: $2M
  • Idea Award: $400,000
  • Melanoma Academy Scholar Award: $550,000
  • Survivorship Research Award: $725,000
  • Team Science Award: $1.5M

  • Focused Program Award - Rare Melanomas: 4 years
  • Idea Award: 2 years
  • Melanoma Academy Scholar Award: 3 years
  • Survivorship Research Award: 3 years
  • Team Science Award:  3 years

Eligibility: Applicants from international organizations or institutions are eligible to apply, and there are no citizenship restrictions. Independent investigators at all career levels are eligible.

How to Apply: Pre-applications are submitted through the eBRAP platform. They should contain contact information, a letter of intent, and a list of collaborators and key personnel as suggested on the platform. Full applications will be made via a Grants.gov workspace. Application packages can be downloaded from Grants.gov at any time.

Pre-Application Deadline:           29 July 2024, 5:00 p.m. Eastern time
Full Application Deadline:          26 August 2024, 11:59 p.m Eastern Time

Further information:

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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