U.S. CDMRP – Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program | Research Funding


Event details

Date 31.05.2023
Category Call for proposal

Through the Congressionally Directed Alzheimer’s Research Program (CDMRP), the Department of Defense is announcing the Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program (PRARP) Awards.

All applications for PRARP funding must specifically address at least one of the Focus Area as directed by Congress and have direct relevance to military health. Several award programs are available:

  • The Transforming Care Award is responsive to the Individual, Family, and Care-Partner Support Focus Area, which prioritizes the lived experiences of persons living with AD/ADRD. This Focus Area targets research that includes, but is not limited to, improvements in long-term care, quality of life, psychosocial wellness and support, and community and home resources supporting aging-in-place and community living for individuals living with dementia, their families, and care partners. Projects within this focus area should aim for culturally competent strategies, that are responsive to social and structural determinants of health and maintain the dignity of the individual living with dementia and their family/care/social communities.
  • The Transforming Diagnosis Award is meant to address and mitigate the long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and military service as they pertain to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and AD-related dementias (ADRD). To do so, the PRARP executes a mission to support research to
    • understand the association between TBI and other military service-related risk factors and AD/ADRD, and
    • improve quality of life and reduce the burden on affected individuals and caregivers for the military, Veterans, and the public.
  • Consistent with the PRARP’s mission and vision, the program seeks to support transformative research on the intersection of TBI-AD/ADRD. The PRARP prioritizes efforts aimed to improve diagnosis and prognosis now –including methods, technologies, patient access and education, and accuracy.
  • The Transforming Research Award To meet the intent of the award mechanism, applications submitted to this program announcement must address the FY23 PRARP TRA Prevention and Risk Reduction Focus Area. The proposed research may include, but is not limited to, exploring questions in the following areas:
    • Identification of risk factors, including but not limited to environmental, genetic, epigenetic, and lifestyle.
    • Identification and implementation of culturally competent strategies to reduce AD/ADRD risk and prevent cognitive problems following TBI and/or military service.
    • Understanding the role of social determinants of health in risk reduction.
    • Informational (not descriptive) epidemiology to understand environmental and other factors that contribute to development of AD/ADRD.

Funding:        Transforming Care Award:
  • max. $1.0 M for the base option
  • max. $1.2M in total costs for the CITPO
Transforming Diagnosis Award:
  • $2.5M
Transforming Research Award:
  • $1.0M for the base option 

Duration:        Transforming Care Award – max 4 years
Transforming Diagnosis Award – max 4 years
Transforming Research Award – max 3 years

Eligibility: Applicants from international organizations or institutions are eligible to apply, and there are no citizenship restrictions.
  • Single Principal Investigator (PI) Option:  Independent investigators at all career levels (or equivalent).
  • Career Initiation or Transition Partnering PI Option (CITPO):
    • Initiation investigators must have at least 3 years research experience beyond a terminal degree but no more than 7 years within their first independent research position
    • Transition investigators may be at any level, but new to either the Alzheimer’s disease/Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD) and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI) fields

How to Apply: Pre-applications are submitted through the eBRAP platform. They should contain contact information, a letter of intent, and a list of collaborators and key personnel as suggested on the platform. Full applications will be made via a Grants.gov workspace. Application packages can be downloaded from Grants.gov at any time.

Grants.gov Funding Opportunity Numbers:
Pre-Application Deadline:   (1)
  • Pre-Application (Letter of Intent):      May 31, 2023 (5:00 p.m. Eastern time)
  • Full Application Deadline:                  July 10, 2023 (11:59 p.m. Eastern time)
Further information

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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