[U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE | Reconstructive Transplant Research Program Qualitative Research Award]


Event details

Date 15.08.2018
Category Call for proposal
Aim: Through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP), the Department of Defense is announcing the Reconstructive Transplant Research Program (RTRP) for 2018. The Qualitative Research Award  supports qualitative research studies that will help researchers and clinicians better understand the experiences of individuals involved in the reconstructive transplant process. This includes those who are considering, or who have already received, reconstructive transplant surgery and/or the reality of lifelong immunosuppression, as well as caregivers, potential donors and their families, and clinicians. This understanding will, in turn, support the ultimate goal of improving transplant outcomes and the quality of life for individuals who receive these life-changing procedures.
The RTRP challenges the scientific community to design innovative research that will foster new directions for, and address neglected issues in, the field of reconstructive transplantation, specifically vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA)-focused research, also known as composite tissue allotransplantation. VCA refers to the transplantation of multiple tissues such as muscle, bone, nerve, and skin, as a functional unit (e.g., a hand or face) from a deceased donor to a recipient with a severe injury. The ultimate goal is to return injured Service members to duty and restore their quality of life.
To meet the intent of the Qualitative Research Award mechanism, applicants must address at least one of the FY18 RTRP Focus Areas. These focus areas are listed at the end of this announcement.
Funding:       Maximum USD $ 1M (Single PI)
                      Maximum USD $ 1.5M (Multiple PIs)
Duration:      3 years
Eligibility: Applicants from international organizations or institutions are eligible to apply, and there are no citizenship restrictions. Independent investigators at all academic levels are eligible to submit applications.
This mechanism includes an option for up to four PIs. One PI will be identified as the Initiating PI and will be responsible for the majority of the administrative tasks associated with application submission. The other PI(s) will be designated Partnering PI(s).
How to Apply: Pre-applications are submitted through the eBRAP platform. They should contain contact information, a list of collaborators and key personnel, a preproposal narrative, and supporting documents as suggested on the platform. Full applications (by invitation) will be made via a Grants.gov workspace. Full application packages can be downloaded from Grants.gov at any time.
Pre-Application Deadline: 15 August 2018, 5:00 p.m. EST (23:00 CET)
Full Application Deadline:  24 October 2018, 11:59 p.m. EST (05:59 25 Oct, CET)
Grants.gov Funding Opportunity Number: W81XWH-18-RTRP-QRA
Further information
  • To see the program announcement, navigate to the search page on Grants.gov and search for the Opportunity Number W81XWH-18-RTRP-QRA.
  • For questions about the eBRAP or Grants.gov platforms, contact the Research Office.
RTRP Focus Areas FY18
  • Identify near- and long-term functional, quality-of-life, and psychosocial outcomes in VCA, and their influencing factors

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free

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