U.S. DOD DARPA - Biological Technologies


Event details

Date 19.09.2024
Category Call for proposal
Areas of Interest
Research in BTO creates biotechnological capabilities that provide tactical care and restore function to injured warfighters, increase operational resilience, develop novel functional materials, and detect and protect against threats to maintain force readiness.
  • BTO is interested in submissions related to the following topic areas:
  • Biological technology topic areas that fit BTO’s mission
  • Human Performance
  • Materials, Sensors, Processing
  • Ecosystem and Environmental
  • Biosecurity and Biosafety
  • Biomedical and Biodefense
Amount and duration depend on the proposed project and may be discussed with the agency contact at [email protected] or a BTO program manager according to your research interest (please refer to https://www.darpa.mil/about-us/people with the “Biotechnical Technologies Office (BTO)” filter).

Abstract Due Date: Abstracts may be submitted on a rolling basis until 4:00 PM ET, September 19, 2024
Proposal Due Date: Proposals may be submitted on a rolling basis until 4:00 PM ET, September 19, 2024
Proposers are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract in advance of a proposal to minimize
effort and reduce the potential expense of preparing an out-of-scope proposal. DARPA will
respond to abstracts providing feedback and indicating whether, after preliminary review, there
is interest within BTO for the proposed work. DARPA will attempt to reply within 14 calendar
days of receipt. Proposals may be submitted irrespective of comments or feedback received in
response to the abstract. Proposals are reviewed without regard to feedback given as a result of
abstract review.

Eligibility / Restrictions
EPFL researchers are eligible to participate.

How to Apply For Further Info:

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free

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