Venture Briefing @ Valais : Bring Your Startup Idea to the Next Level


Event details

Date 28.10.2020
Hour 12:1513:15
Speaker Samantha Anderson
Co-Founder of DePoly
Eduard Bear
Co-Founder of Dynablue
Category Conferences - Seminars

On Oct. 28 the EPFL Valais, HES-SO Valais Wallis and Venturelab will host a Venture Briefing. A rare occasion to learn how to get financial support and launch a startup in the region.
We’ll be with Samantha Anderson, CEO and co-founder of DePoly (TOP100 Swiss Startups), and Edouard Bear, Co-Founder of Dynablue, both winners of several prizes worth >CHF100’000.
They will share their personal advice and tips on how to get started and raise the first funds.
Date: Wed. Oct 28 at 12:15-13:15, on Zoom.
Link upon registration:
Event supported by the Gebert Rüf Foundation

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required

Event broadcasted in
