Vietnamese-Swiss Joint Research Projects: Call for Proposals 2024

Event details
Date | 11.04.2024 |
Category | Call for proposal |
Grants for Joint Research Projects (JRPs) are aimed at promoting collaborative projects with clearly defined goals, involving at least one partner based in Switzerland and one based in Vietnam. Applications should describe ambitious research and propose innovative approaches. The research is to be carried out at the research facilities involved; reciprocal visits and short stays in Switzerland for researchers from Vietnam and vice versa are also possible within the scope of a JRP.
- Switzerland: CHF 4,000,000. The maximum budget avail-able for the Swiss side of a project is CHF 300,000 for a 3-year project and CHF 400’000 for a 4-year project.
- Vietnam: VND 25 billion. The maximum budget available for the Vietnamese side of a project is VND 2.5 billion for a 3-year project and VND 3.5 billion for a 4-year project.
Duration: The project duration is exactly 3 years or exactly 4 years. Projects with a duration outside this range will not be accepted.
Deadline for Informative pre-registration (not mandatory): 28 February 2024
Deadline: 11 April 2024
Area of Research: This call for proposals is open to all research areas (basic research and use-inspired research).
Eligibility: Each proposal for a JRP must have at least one main applicant based in Switzerland and one main applicant based in Vietnam; they are the lead scientists on the Swiss and the Vietnamese side respectively.
Eligibility criteria in Vietnam: Please see Vietnamese call document (written in Vietnamese)
SNSF Considerations:
- Applicants can submit a proposal for a JRP under the present call even if they hold another SNSF grant or have applied for one.
- Grantees may submit proposals to all SNSF funding schemes during the funding period of a JRP, if there is no substantial thematic overlap.
- Please note that the present call is not in conflict with the restrictions applicable to the SNSF’s national project funding in accordance with Article 13 of the Regulations on Project Funding.
- Ambizione and PRIMA grantees can contact the SNSF office to check their eligibility.
- Project partners as described in Article 11.2 of the SNSF Funding Regulations are not entitled to receive funds from the SNSF if their affiliated institution is located in Vietnam.
How to Apply:
Proposals are to be jointly prepared by Swiss and Vietnamese applicants. They must be submitted by the Swiss main applicant to the SNSF via its electronic submission system mySNF ( Vietnamese applicants can have access to the electronic submission system.
Pre-registration deadline for pre-registration is 28 February 2024 at 5 pm (Swiss time).
To facilitate the composition of the evaluation panel, main applicants are highly encouraged to open their application in mySNF as early as possible and fill in the data containers “Basic data I” and “Basic Data II” to indicate the disciplines and an outline summary of the planned research. Only the data containers corresponding to the above-mentioned information need to be filled out in mySNF by this pre-registration deadline and can also be further processed after the pre-registration and until the final submission deadline. Submissions will still be accepted even if no pre-registration is made by the aforementioned date.
For further info:
- E-mail: mailto:[email protected] or [email protected]
- Website:
- Please contact the Research Office for additional questions or clarifications
Practical information
- General public
- Free