Annual Meeting of the Swiss Space Center


Event details

Date 03.12.2015
Hour 14:0017:00
Speaker Volker Gass, Claude Nicollier et al.
Category Conferences - Seminars
The annual meeting is free and open to all public this year.


Swiss Space Center Activities & Projects
Prof. Volker Gass, Director of the Swiss Space Center

Message from the Board of Directors
Mr. Daniel Neuenschwander, Director of the SERI/Swiss Space Office

Steering Committee Report
Prof. Nico de Rooij, Full Professor EPFL Samlab

Presentation of Swissto12
Dr. Emile de Rijk, CEO Swissto12

Presentation of Università della Swizzera italiana
Dr. Alessio Quaglino, Postdoctoral researcher Institute of Computational Science Faculty of Informatics

Hubble: From a slow start to a big success
Prof. George Meylan, EPFL Professor Emeritus
Prof. Claude Nicollier, EPFL Swiss Space Center

Outlook 2016 & Conclusions
Prof. Volker Gass


The Annual meeting is an occasion for the space community to get together. Make sure you register:

We look forward to seeing you !

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


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