Call for proposals (extended): DOC.Days 2024 / EDAR


Event details

Date 01.03.2024 15.03.2024
Category Call for proposal
Event Language English

We are writing to announce the extension of the call for proposals for Doc.Days 2024!
Doc.Days is an event organized to be an open space for discussion of theory, methods, and approaches among researchers of the Doctoral School of Architecture (EDAR). This EDAR supported event will be held on two consecutive days, Tuesday, April 16th Wednesday, April 17th  from 13:30-18:30 at the Rolex Learning Center.
Participants will be asked to present their work in 20 minutes to the wider community. Presentations will be followed by constructive feedback and discussion with respondents within and outside of EPFL. 

Topics are open and could include anything from fieldwork results, a table of contents, a chapter, or a research question

If interested, please submit the following by Friday, March 15th: 

  • The title of your presentation
  • An abstract summarizing your presentation (200 to 300 words)
  • A short bio (2-3 sentences)
  • An image 

We look forward to learning more about your work and meeting you in the Spring!
The Docdays 2024 Organising Team

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Marcela Delgado, Michela Bonomo,Tanguy Auffret-Postel, Tiago P. Borges


Event broadcasted in
