Congress on Privacy and Surveillance


Event details

Date 30.09.2013
Hour 08:4518:30
Speaker Organized and chaired by Prof. Arjen K. Lenstra
Speakers: Jacob Appelbaum
    Axel Arnbak
    Bill Binney
    Caspar Bowden
    Nikolaus Forgó
    Gordon Nardell
    Bruce Schneier
Category Miscellaneous
A one-day event triggered by recent announcements about secret Internet mass-surveillance

A number of prominent international speakers will discuss your right to information self-determination, the politics of privacy, how to deal with the secret cosmopolitan state within a state, and how to go forward. It is a congress of individuals to represent what is not (yet?) represented by institutions.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at this unique event! It is free and open to the public, but you are kindly requested to register.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Organizer and Chair : Prof. Arjen Lenstra

Event broadcasted in
