Interdisciplinarity and Funding in Modern Science


Event details

Date 17.05.2016
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Prof. Vito Latora, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom
Category Conferences - Seminars
Whether scientists can benefit from restricting or broadening the scope of their research still remains largely unexplored. Drawing on some large data sets on scientific production during several decades, I will focus here on individual scientists’s background interdisciplinarity and on the knowledge to which they are exposed through their collaborators, presenting some recent results on the advantages and disadvantages of interdisciplinarity in modern science. I will also discuss how funding impacts the way in which we collaborate, and the other way around.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Prof. Paolo De Los Rios


Multidisciplinarity Science of Science Complex Networks
