4th Energy Day Foire du Valais "The Future of Hydropower"


Event details

Date 08.10.2014
Hour 10:0017:00
Category Conferences - Seminars
CREM, in collaboration with the EPFL Energy Center and CleantechAlps and in partnership with Alpiq, are pleased to invite you to the now traditional Energy Day Foire du Valais, which attracts over 450 people! This 4th edition, to be held Wednesday, Oct. 8 as part of the Foire du Valais Martigny theme will be "The Future of Hydropower".
The detailed program is as follows:
  •      10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. plenary and roundtable - Profitability of hydropower? - Room Bonne de Bourbon
  •      2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Workshop for actors in the field - Water, a source of energy to develop but also to preserve! - Room 1 of the CREM ​​+ (limited)
The detailed program is as follows:

From 9:30
  •      Registration and coffee
  •      Welcome and introduction, Mr. Olivier Dumas, President CREM
  •      Electricity market in Europe and the impact on hydropower in Switzerland, Philippe Vassilopoulos, Head Product Design EPEX SPOT
  •      Production costs, efficiency and competitiveness in the short-term Swiss water companies, Prof. Dr. Massimo Filippini, Chair of Energy Economics and Public ETHZ
  •      Roundtable: What future for hydro, Moderation: Mr. Pierre Veya, Editor, Time, Paul Michellod, Director GMF, Cristina Gaggini, Director Romande economiesuisse, Anne Favatier, Marketing SIG and Co -Chair Naturemade Mr. Michael Wider, Director Alpiq Generation, Filippo Lombardi, Council of States, Ticino and Member of the CESPE
  •      Summary and questions, Prof. Favrat, EPFL, Vice President CREM
  •      Cocktail reception and networking
From 1:45 p.m.
  •      welcome
2:00 p.m.
  •      Home and moderation Gaëtan Cherix, Director CREM
  •      Chain of small hydropower in Switzerland, Eric Close, Secretary General CleantechAlps
  •      Development priorities in small hydro, Cécile-Alligné Münch, Professor HES-SO Valais, Mr. Vlad Hasmatuchi, Scientific Officer HES-SO Valais
  •      Tools for managing water resources, Mr. Frederick Jordan, Director e-dric.ch, Philippe Heller, Director e-dric.ch
  •      "Water Strategy" in the canton of Valais, Pascal Gross, Chairman of the Steering Committee "Water Strategy Valais»
  •      Scenario implementation for municipalities, Mr. Blaise Borgeat, President Vernayaz
  •      Debate - questions / answers - sharing experiences, Massimiliano Capezzali, Deputy Director EPFL Energy Center
4:00 p.m.
  •      Closing and visit the Fair
Meanwhile you can already register via the online form on www.crem.ch.

Alpiq, the main partner of the Energy Day 2014
EPFL (Energy Center)

Hope to see you at this event, please accept, Ladies and Gentlemen, best regards.

The team of CREM

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


Energie Hydroélectricité Foire Valais Eau
