A geometric approach to some similarity problems


Event details

Date 19.03.2015
Hour 13:0014:00
Speaker Martin Miglioli (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Ergodic and Geometric Group Theory Seminar

In this talk we present a geometric approach to two similarity problems. Minimality properties of projections to closed convex sets in the non-positively curved cone of positive invertible operators are used to study minimality properties of canonical orthogonalizers of some unital algebra homomorphisms. We also address the question of existence of unitarizers of groups of invertible operators when these groups act on manifolds of positive invertible operators endowed with a metric derived from a trace. Here the Bruhat–Tits fixed point theorem is used to show that the square root of the circumcenter of orbits are unitarizers of the groups.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Peter Schlicht


  • Peter Schlicht


similarity unitarisability

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