[ Action for A-T | Research funding on Ataxia Telangiectasia ]


Event details

Date 23.09.2019
Category Call for proposal

Annually, Action for A-T awards research grants to medical research projects that have the potential to benefit children and adults with Ataxia Telangiectasia. A wide range of research applications will be considered but the Association has a particular interest in Cancer in A-T and basic research to search for alternative therapies to treat cancer in children and adults with A-T.
Note: the foundation does NOT consider applications concurrently submitted to other funding bodies.
Who can apply: researchers all over the world. Please note, however, that if there are more applications that pass the review criteria than can be funded, UK based research will be prioritised.
Funding & Duration: max. £250’000 for max. 36 months

  • Eligible costs: personnel, consumables and essential equipment.
  • Does NOT cover: PhD studentships, travel costs and overheads.
Deadline: 23 September 2019
  • Ahead of the deadline: submit a brief summary of the research proposed to [email protected] for an eligibility check.
  • Decision: February 2020
For further information, please have a look at the call webpage and at granted projects.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

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