Algebra and combinatorics of integrable systems


Event details

Date 01.12.2014
Hour 15:1517:00
Speaker Vladimir Fock (Strasbourg)
Category Conferences - Seminars
We will present an elementary constructon of a class of
integrable systems belonging to A.B. Goncharov and R.Kenyon. These are
nonlinear Hamltonian systems for which one can easily construct
solutions, (in terms of algebraic curves and theta functions),
quantization and a discrete group action. These systems are enumerated
by conves latice polygons in the plane. The study of these systems gives
a unified point of view on many known integrable systems as well as shed
light on sone apparently unrelated problems, such as the pentagram map
in projective geometry, Somos integer sequences, energy spectrum of
electrons on a lattice in a magnetic field (Hofstadter butterfly),
pseudo hyperelliptic integrals.

Practical information

  • Expert
  • Free


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