Big Band meets Tango: Concert and Milonga with La Máquina Invisible


Event details

Date 22.02.2024
Hour 19:0022:00
Category Cultural events

This is the first time La Máquina Invisible comes to play on the Lausanne campus. This quintet of talented young musicians, who have been immersed in tango music since childhood, plays both traditional music, familiar to all milonga dancers, and more modern pieces, composed by themselves and adapted for dancing. They don't hesitate to explore new fields, and that's why they will open the evening with a crossover concert with the EPFL Big Band, playing custom tango pieces arranged just for the occasion. A first and a unique evening in the region!

ArchiTango offers an initiation to Argentinian Tango at 18h00.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • ArchiTango, EPFL Big Band


  • Johannes Waibel


Tango Big Band Argentinian Dance Concert

Event broadcasted in
