Biosensing with a Twist: Detection and Characterization of Biomaterials with Sculpted EM Fields


Event details

Date 29.01.2015
Hour 16:00
Speaker Malcolm Kadodwala, Ph.D., University of Glasgow, Glasgow (UK)
Category Conferences - Seminars

Sculpted electromagnetic (EM) fields created by artificially engineered metamaterials provide a route to new spectroscopic phenomena [1-3].  Thus enabling novel measurements, such as < picogram characterisation of the structure of biological materials [1], which would be impossible with conventional spectroscopic techniques.  The scope for these new spectroscopic phenomena to make a significant impact as: generic research tools; medical diagnostics; or as biosensing platforms, is limited.  Due to the fact that the metamaterials, which are formed from periodic arrays of individual (noble metal) nanostructures, are fabricated using electron beam lithography a costly time consuming production method.  I present a new type of plasmonic nanomaterial, a continuous gold film that is moulded so it has nanoscale chiral indentations, which can be fabricated using a cheap high throughput method.  We subsequently demonstrate the application of these nano templated chiral plasmonic films for (linear and non-linear) biospectroscopy.

1. Hendry, E.; Carpy, T.; Johnston, J.; Popland, M.; Mikhaylovskiy, R. V.;  Lapthorn, A. J.; Kelly, S. M.; Barron, L. D.; Gadegaard, N.; Kadodwala, M. “Ultrasensitive detection and characterisation of biomoelcules using superchiral fields” Nature Nano. 2010, 5, 783-787.
2. Abdulrahman, N.A.; Fan, Z., Tonooka, T.; Kelly, S.M.; Gadegaard, N. ; Hendry, E.; Govorov, A.O.; Kadodwala, M. “Induced chirality through electromagnetic coupling between chiral molecular layers and plasmonic nanostructures.” Nano Letters, 2012, 12, 977-983
3. Hendry, E.; Mikhaylovsky. R. V.; Barron, L. D.; Kadodwala, M.; Davis, T. J. “Chiral fields generated by arrays of nanoslits” Nano. Letters. 2012, 12, 3640-3644

1994        PhD Chemistry, University of Nottingham, thesis Surface Science Studies of Model Adsorbates. Supervisor Prof Robert Jones.
1990        1st Class B.Sc. (Hons) Chemical Physics, University of Nottingham

Work History
2013-Present          Reader School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
2007-2013               Senior Lecturer School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
1996-2007               Lecturer School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
1994-1995               Post-doctoral Fellow, FOM Institute for atomic and molecular Physics (AMOLF), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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