Campfire talk game: explore team learning strategies


Event details

Date 29.01.2024
Hour 16:0018:00
Speaker Tamara Milosevic and Helena Kovacs
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French
Do you know that feeling of sitting around a campfire and having a surprisingly good conversation?
In this session, we simulate that experience using a board game and create an exciting space for learning about self-reflection, peer feedback and communication. 
Campfire Talk is a peer-to-peer intervention without the need for a moderator.
Developed using serious gaming methods, this Campfire Talk creates an inviting and safe atmosphere in which players can share difficult issues they experience.
It has been recognized as more and more important for engineers to be able to talk through the difficult issues they stumble upon, to give feedback and lead valuable conversations about emotions and approaches to given difficulties.
The session offers a board game format with roles that can be played out following instructions given beforehand.
The players are welcome to take any direction in the game and explore as far as they want a specific issue(s). 


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • Transversal Skills and Career Center


  • Tamara Milosevic
