ChemBio Seminar by Prof. Michael Nash (Uni Basel/ETH Zurich): "Comprehensive Mutational Profiling of Cancer Therapeutic Enzymes by Proximity-Based Sequencing


Event details

Date 19.09.2023
Hour 16:1517:15
Speaker Prof Michael Nash
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Title: Comprehensive Mutational Profiling of Cancer Therapeutic Enzymes by Proximity-Based Sequencing CH-636

Understanding the complex relationships between enzyme sequence, folding stability and catalytic activity is crucial for applications in industry and biomedicine. However, current enzyme assay technologies are limited by an inability to simultaneously resolve both stability and activity of enzymes, and to couple these to gene sequences at large scale. In this talk, I will summarize my lab’s recent work developing a technique called  Enzyme Proximity-Seq (EP-Seq), a deep mutational scanning method that leverages peroxidase-mediated radical labeling to to quantify the influence of thousands of mutations on stability and catalytic activity in a single experiment.

Speaker's biography:
Prof. Michael Nash earned his BS in Cybernetics from UCLA in 2006, where he focused on the Formation of Lipid Bilayer Membranes in Microfluidic Devices for Nanopore Sensing. He then completed a dual PhD in Bioengineering and Nanotechnology under the guidance of Profs. Patrick Stayton and Paul Yager at the University of Washington - Seattle in 2010. His research during this period concentrated on nanoparticle systems for biomarker identification. Pursuing postdoctoral work, Nash relocated to Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, and by 2013, he had transitioned to the role of an independent group leader. In 2016, he became Assistant Professor with a joint appointment at both the University of Basel and ETH Zurich, where he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2021. Nash and his team use a multi-scale approach to design artificial molecular systems, spanning from single molecules to macroscopic materials, aiming to create engineered protein systems for medical therapies.

Lab website: