Company Presentation - Cartier & Richemont


Event details

Date 27.09.2023
Hour 17:1518:15
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Meet Your Future Employer
Unveiling data in the luxury industry : Join Richemont and Cartier's presentation !

The Data experts from Richemont and Cartier are delighted to meet you to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the luxury industry and the projects that animate them! 
On Wednesday, 27 September
Room BC 420
In English
Followed by a networking reception
Richemont's experts: Cartier's experts: >> Register at EPFLcarrer here <<
Learn more about Richemont and Cartier during this exploratory presentation, and make sure to ask all your questions to find out how you can join their team!
If you encounter problems during registration, please write to [email protected] mentioning “Richemont & Cartier's Presentation”.
By registering, you commit yourself to come to this event. If you are unable to attend, we ask you to unsubscribe before the event (log on to, click on this link and then on the "cancel" button of the event).
Organised by the Transversal Skills and Career Center.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • Organised by the Transversal Skills and Career Center
