Computational discovery and design of novel materials


Event details

Date 19.04.2018
Hour 12:30
Speaker Prof. Oleg Yazyev
Category Conferences - Seminars

The field of topological phases of matter has seen spectacular growth during the past decade due to the discovery of novel materials realizing topologically non-trivial electronic structures. I will present our efforts towards discovering novel topological materials by means of high-throughout computational screening of the databases of known compounds. This search strategy allowed us to identify topological phases in a number of candidate materials, some of which has already received experimental confirmation. Two success stories will be covered - the discovery of quasi-1D topological insulator β-Bi4I4 and Weyl semimetals MoP2 and WP2. If time permits, I will also present some ideas of computational design of materials that were never synthesized previously.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Céline Burkhard


Theory Lunch Seminar

Event broadcasted in
