COSEC training (EN)


Event details

Date 08.10.2024
Hour 09:0016:00
Speaker Kirstin Friedrich, Sébastien Gex, Eleonora Simeoni, Simona Frateschi, Yvan Belaieff, Thomas Laporte, Helena Palacios Fernandez, Patrick Gerber.
Category Internal trainings
Event Language English

The training is aimed at future safety coordinators (CoSec), who will manage the coordination of occupational health and safety in their unit(s).

Participants will acquire basic knowledge on how to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses, on how to behave in the event of an accident, and on how to coordinate the intervention of an occupational health and safety specialist.

The one-day course is held on the EPFL campus in Lausanne, and is available in French or English. The course is given by OHS staff. The training content is conveyed through presentations and workshops.

Course objectives
  • Know and understand the responsibilities of a CoSec
  • Know the specifications of a CoSec
  • Know the basic principles of occupational health and safety and understand the concept of safety culture
  • Be able to play a key role in accident and incident prevention
  • Be familiar with the various EPFL health and safety departments
  • Be familiar with CoSec documentation
  • Know the correct behavior to adopt in the event of an accident


9:00    Introduction  
9:20    CoSec role and duties (PDF)
10:00   Safety at work (PDF)
11:00    Break
11:15    Doors label / Barcode creation (PDF)
12:15    Lunch break
13:15    Health at work (PDF)
14:00    Chemical storage (PDF)
14:45    Break
15:00    Accident simulation
15:30    COSEC webpage / summary of the day and questions