Counting cusp forms by analytic conductor


Event details

Date 21.01.2015
Hour 14:1515:15
Speaker Farrell Brumley
Category Conferences - Seminars
Abstract: The problem of counting cusp forms on the general linear group of bounded analytic conductor has long been popularized by Sarnak. It is the automorphic analog of Schanuel's well-known theorem giving an asymptotic for the number of rational points on projective space of bounded height. A precise asymptotic should, moreover, take its place as one of the most basic statistics in the theory of families of cusp forms: the size of the universal family. In this talk I shall describe recent progress on this problem obtained in collaboration with Dj. Milicevic.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Eva Bayer Fluckiger


  • Natascha Fontana

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