Cryogenic safety training


Event details

Date 13.06.2024
Hour 09:3011:30
Speaker Amela Groso, Emanuele Ripiccini and Richard Gaal
Category Internal trainings
Event Language English

All users of cryogenic gases and liquids need to be fully aware of the associated risks and how to use cryogens safely. 

OHS offers a short training course tailored to anyone using, handling or storing cryogenic liquids. Users will be thought of the hazards of cryogenic liquids so that they can identify risks and adopt safe working practices.
Topics covered include:

  • cryogenic fluids and their hazards 
  • equipment failure and accidents,
  • how to protect yourself.
For this particular session we will also have a contribution from Dr Richard Gaal, EPFL LHe liquifaction center, to talk about:
  • why we use cryogenic liquids
  • physical properties leading to hazardous situations
  • technical aspects of storing and handling lliquid Nitrogen and similar liquids (dewar handling, avoiding accidental pressurisation, not mixing different cryogens etc)
  • specificities of liquid Helium dewars
Important note for CoSecs: Please transfer the information about this course to your colleagues if they are concerned. 

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Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • OHS



cryogenic cryogénie safety sécurité santé health complimentary complémentaire training formation
