Decentralized Signal Control for Urban Road Networks


Event details

Date 02.06.2023
Hour 11:0012:00
Speaker Prof.Neil Walton, Durham University BusinessSchool, United Kingdom
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Abstract: We propose and discuss various a decentralized traffic signal control policy for urban road networks. We discuss issues associated with transferring control policies traditionally used in communications systems to the vehicular traffic. We discuss counter-examples previously unknown to both literatures. Further, simulations are been conducted to compare distributed control policies in various traffic and network scenarios.

Bio: Neil Walton is a Professor in Operations Management at Durham University Business School. His research is in applied probability and principally concerns the decentralized minimization of congestion in networks. He was a lecturer at University of Amsterdam where he held an NWO Veni Fellowship. He was a Reader in Mathematics. Neil was a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and a guest lecturer at London Business School. He has an honorary position at the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. Durham, he is Deputy Head of the Department of Management and Marketing. He is an associate editor at the journal Stochastic Systems. He is an area editor for stochastic models at Operations Research. He has won best papers awards at the ACM Sigmetrics conference and he was awarded the 2018 Erlang Prize by the Informs Applied Probability Society.