Domesticated Foodscapes: Forum 3 - Collect / Superstudio


Event details

Date 14.11.2023 15.11.2023
Hour 09:0017:00
Speaker Gianna Ledermann, Julia von Mende, Martin Fröhlich
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The semester DOMESTICATED FOODSCAPES will focus on the relationship between architecture and food. 

FORUM III / COLLECT, will delve into the realm of food cultivation and storage constructions, focusing on the analysis of architectural typologies and their evolution from historical origins to contemporary designs. This narrative will be demonstrated and explained by the students, in Pecha Kucha presentations.


DAY 1 - AAC 231
9:00 - 11:45 Pecha Kucha
*Students outcome presentations
13:00-14:00  Lecture
Gianna Ledermann, Architect and PhD researcher, Zurich & Lausanne 
14:30-15:30  Pecha Kucha
*Students outcome presentations
15:30-16:30  Open discussion
17:30-19:00 Dinner

DAY 2 - AAC 231
9:00 - 11:45 Pecha Kucha
*Students outcome presentations
13:00-14:00  Lecture
Julia von Mende, Architect and researcher, Berlin
14:30-15:30  Pecha Kucha
*Students outcome presentations
15:30-16:30  Come together

Instagram: @east.superstudio

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free




typology foodscapes superstudio architecturey

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