“Double Trace Interfaces”

Event details
Date | 09.10.2017 |
Hour | 14:00 |
Speaker | Dr. Cornelius Schmidt-Colinet (Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics) |
Location | |
Category | Conferences - Seminars |
In the case where the two boundary conditions for a scalar field on AdS_d both lead to unitary CFTs on the AdS boundary, we consider the situation where both CFTs are present and separated by the corresponding renormalization group interface. We compute the scalar two-point correlation functions and the interface free energy at large N in AdS, and perform some checks on the CFT side.
Practical information
- General public
- Free
- Prof. João Penedones, Fields and Stings Laboratory (FSL)
- Céline Burkhard, Laboratory of Statistical Biophysics (LBS)