Dynamics of scrambling of information, from shock waves to Fisher-KPP


Event details

Date 10.05.2023
Hour 12:1514:00
Speaker Camille Aron
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Information scrambling is the mechanism by which localized information in an extended system flows to non-local degrees of freedom, becoming practically irretrievable. It proceeds via two mechanisms, namely a rapid loss and a spatial spreading of information, which can sometimes be associated with the concepts of Lyapunov exponent and butterfly velocity, respectively.

In this presentation, I will provide a partial overview of the field of quantum chaos and discuss our current understanding of the phenomenon of scrambling in thermalizing systems. I will explain how conventional tools of quantum transport theory can be adapted to derive a large-scale effective kinetic theory of scrambling. More specifically, I will focus on the case of realistic metals that experience both inelastic scattering due to interactions and elastic scattering due to disorder. I will demonstrate that disorder drives a phase transition in the scrambling dynamics, from shock-wave dynamics to dynamics belonging to the Fisher or Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piskunov class. More generally, this approach can be used to gain insight into the mysterious relationship between transport properties and chaos.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • João Penedones


  • Corinne Weibel


Theory Lunch Seminar

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