EDIC information session : PhD@EPFL: “EDIC – What, Why, When, and How”


Event details

Date 08.10.2024
Hour 18:1520:00
Speaker Prof Michael Kapralov
Category Conferences - Seminars

Information session about the EDIC doctoral program for Master's students.

Are you curious about the exciting career paths that a PhD can unlock?
Would you like to know how pursuing a PhD can lead to leadership roles in both industry and academia?
Interested in discovering why the EDIC PhD program at EPFL is considered one of the top research programs in computer science world-wide?

This session will give you insight into the EDIC program, including research opportunities, program structure, and application tips. You’ll also hear how our PhD program can shape your future and provide the foundation for a successful career in research, academia, or industry.

For organizational purposes, we kindly ask you to register by Sunday, October 6, 2024, via the following doodle link .

We look forward to seeing you there!

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free

Event broadcasted in
