Electron transfer processes from the molecular to the cellular length scales


Event details

Date 02.07.2015
Hour 16:3017:30
Speaker Prof. Spiros Skourtis
Dept. of Physics, University of Cyprus, and 
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
University of Freiburg, Germany

Category Conferences - Seminars
Electron transfer reactions are ubiquitous in biology and chemistry and are central to the molecular electronics and energy materials technologies. Biological electron transfer mechanisms are particularly rich, ranging from tunneling to thermally activated hopping. I give a review of recent trends in the theory and simulation of biomolecular electron transfer rates, focusing on the role of electronic-coupling  and energy level fluctuations. I also discuss electron-transport pathway control over length scales that range from the small-molecule to the cellular level.

Spiros S. Skourtis Protein electron transfer in Quantum Effects in Biology Cambridge University Press, M. Mohseni, Y. Omar, G. Engel, and M.B. Plenio, editors, July 2014, isbn: 9781107010802

Spiros S. Skourtis Probing electron transfer mechanism from the molecular to the cellular length scales Special issue on "Peptide-mediated electron and energy transport" Biopolymers (Peptide Science) 2102, 100, 82-92

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  • General public
  • Free


  • ISIC Physical Chemistry Seminars


  • Dr Frank van Mourik
