Energy & Resources Forum III


Event details

Date 18.03.2024
Hour 10:3020:00
Speaker Christian Petit, Mario Paolone, Nell Reimann, Roger Nordmann, Amrita Dasgupta, Vincent Moreau, Christian Ochsenbein, Carlo De Grandis, Giovanni Mori, Lucas Castiglioni, Olivier Gally, Yohanna Rieckhoff, Enterprise for Society Center (E4S), Julia Steinberger, Simone D’Alessandro, Sascha Nick
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The Energy & Resources Forum aims to bring together key stakeholders from science, business, policy, and activism to envision a sustainable energy future within the limits of our planet's resources. 

The 2024 ERF III edition will feature a series of panels, workshops, and a debate covering 6 major themes, involving technical, social, and financial aspects of the energy transition:

  • Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the existing grid
  • Materials for the energy transition
  • The future of land transport
  • Design for sustainability
  • Funding innovations for the energy transition
  • Economy for the transition to a sustainable future
The panels will be moderated by Karin Frei, partner at komet-beratung and owner of CommonGround Communications GmbH, while the debate will be moderated by Sascha Nick, CO2-monitor CEO, EPFL scientist, and BSL professor.

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.


10h30 - 12h00 : Panel on "Can We Power the World With 100% Renewable Energy?"
Grid integration of renewable energy conversion technologies: challenges to overcome when swiftly integrating non-dispatchable energy sources in the electricity mix.
  • Christian Petit, CEO of Romande Energie (Distribution System Operator company)
  • Mario Paolone, Full Professor at EPFL, Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory
  • Nell Reimann, ENTSO-E, association of the European Electricity TSOs (non-profit-organisation)
  • Roger Nordmann, Swiss National Counselor, author of PV Strategy for Switzerland 2050

12h00 - 13h30 : Standing Lunch 

13h30 - 14h45 : Panel on "Materials for the Energy Transition"
Extracting, processing, and recycling of materials for the renewable energy conversion technologies, transportation, and buildings.
  • Amrita Dasgupta, Energy Analyst and Modeller at the International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Vincent Moreau, Researcher at EPFL, Material Flow Analysis
  • Christian Ochsenbein, Head of Swiss Battery Technology Center

15h00 - 16h30 : Panel on "The Future of Land Transport"
The replacement of conventional combustion vehicles: challenges and opportunities. What choices should the individuals and the automotive industry take and what should the political guidelines be when envisioning a low-carbon transportation system? 
  • Carlo De Grandis, EU Commission, Directorate-General for Climate Action, promote clean mobility, including CO2 standards for road transport
  • Giovanni Mori, Former spokesperson of Fridays for Future, Italy
  • Luca Castiglioni, Head of Mobility Research for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Vice-Chair Transport to the End-Use Technologies Working Party (EUWP)
  • Olivier Gally, Full Professor of Operations Research at UNIL University of Lausanne

16h45 - 17h45 : 2 workshops in parallel on:
1) "Design for Sustainability" - 5 Rules to follow for a “Design for the Environment (DfE)”. 
  • Yohanna Rieckhoff, Independent designer, Teaching Assistant in Master of Product Design, ECAL
2) "How is innovation contributing to the energy transition?" - Technical and financial innovations for the energy transition.
  • The Enterprise for Society Center (E4S)

18h00 - 19h00 : Debate on "From Inequality to Sustainability: The Essential Steps"
What would a better society look like, and how to build one, from multiple perspectives, with:
  • Julia Steinberger, Professor of Societal Challenges of Climate Change at UNIL, Lead Author for the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report
  • Simone D’Alessandro, Professor of Economics at the University of Pisa, Italy, Coordinator of the Ph.D. in Economics of the Tuscan Universities, a joint initiative by the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena

19h00 - 20h00 : Apero

The event will also be streamed live. You can join online using this link

You can find all the information for the Energy and Resource Forum III here.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required



Energy Transition Sustainability Climate Change Energy Policy

Event broadcasted in
