[ ERA-NET Bioenergy - 14th Joint Call for proposals | Research funding ]


Event details

Date 26.01.2021
Category Call for proposal
[ ERA-NET Bioenergy | 14th Joint Call for proposals ]
In this joint call, ERA-NET Bioenergy aims to fund innovative, transnational research, development and innovation (R&D&I) projects in the field of bioenergy. The topic of the 14th Joint Call for Research and Development Proposals is “Development and improvement of biomass conversion technologies for the provisioning of heat for industrial processes

Funding will be offered to excellent proposals that provide clear added value through cooperation of partners in at least two (preferably more) participating countries. Novelty beyond the state of the art in the bioenergy value chain addressed must be significant, and evidence of exploitation potential must be provided (e.g. by way of tangible industry commitment).

Public funding is available for this joint call from funding bodies in Austria, Germany, Poland and Switzerland (via the Swiss Federal Office of Energy – SFOE).

Who can apply:
  • At least 2 independent partners applying for funding from two different countries with funding agencies participating in the call.
  • As projects are expected to be market-oriented, it is strongly recommended that one or more industrial partners participate in the consortium.
  • Eligible Swiss-based applicants: Please note that the “Application for financial support” (see https://www.bfe.admin.ch/bfe/en/home/research-and-cleantech/research-programmes.html) has to be handed in at SFOE: For P&D projects: together with the submission of the preproposal document; For R&D projects: at least one month prior to submission of full proposal.

Funding & Duration:
  • EUR 2.4 million for 36 months max.
  • Maximum funding for Swiss-based applicants: R&D projects = CHF 500’000 for 36 months, P%D projects = open
  • R&D projects : Proposals can be funded up to a maximum of 80%. Third party contributions are strongly encouraged to insure the implementation of the results. This contribution can be provided in cash or in the form of performed work.
  • P&D projects : Funding of Swiss participants is limited to 40% (in exceptional cases 60%) of the eligible project costs. Eligible projects costs cover only the additional project costs that cannot be amortized over the expected lifetime of the developed installation or solution. Additional projects costs are defined as the additional project costs when compared to the costs of implementing an equivalent, conventional technology or solution.

If interested, please contact [email protected] to verify your eligibility for the call. Direct communication with the national funding body SFOE is strictly required at least one month prior to the submission of the pre-proposal: Sandra Hermle; +41 58 465 89 22; [email protected]

Deadline for submitting pre-proposals: 26 January 2021 at 13:00 CET.
Deadlines for submitting full proposals: 8 June 2021 at 13:00 CET.
Decision: 30 September 2021

For further information, please have a look at the call webpage, call guidelines, pre-proposal application template, the SFOE website on Bioenergy and the SFOE application forms.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

Event broadcasted in
