European Seismic Design Codes for Concrete Structures: Past, Present, Future


Event details

Date 21.11.2013
Hour 16:1517:15
Speaker Prof. Michael N. Fardis
Category Conferences - Seminars
Since the 1990s European Earthquake Engineering has focused on the development of a European Standard for seismic design, Eurocode 8. The "Seismic Annex" to the CEB/FIP Model Code 1978 was the basis for the Pre-Standard version of Eurocode 8 in the early 1990s and of the European Standard (EN) one decade later. In those codes, design was force-based for two Limit States: Life Safety and Damage Limitation. The reduction factor applied to the 5%-damped elastic spectrum for Life Safety depends on the choice of Ductility Class: Low, Medium or High. The two upper Classes employed prescriptive detailing and capacity design for a global and local ductility factor commensurate to the reduction factor. The EN-Eurocode 8 gives a mechanics-based link between the reduction factor and the curvature ductility factor for detailing plastic hinges and applies capacity design to prevent shear failures and keep the foundation elastic. It promotes rigorous seismic analysis over equivalent lateral force methods and allows design of new buildings with nonlinear analysis and direct verification of flexural deformation demands against capacities. For the evaluation and retrofitting of buildings EN-Eurocode 8, uses a full-fledged performance- and displacement-based approach with nonlinear analysis (sometimes simplified into linear with the 5%-damped spectrum for the deformations and equilibrium for the forces) and gives expressions for the flexure- or shear-controlled rotation capacity of plastic hinges and for the secant-to-yield-point stiffness of members. In the forthcoming revision of EN-Eurocode 8 this approach may also be adopted for the design of new structures. Moreover, current gaps in Eurocode 8 are expected to be filled: the scope will be extended to cover flat-slab frames, design/verification of masonry infills as part of the lateral-load resisting system, seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing bridges, etc. Support for the evolution to the second generation of EN-Eurocode 8 will be provided by the fib Model Code 2010 for new structures, which employs four Performance Levels and nonlinear dynamic analysis as the reference method. This evolution will be governed by the overriding consideration for all Eurocodes in the second generation toward improvement of ease of use in practice, simplification and consolidation.

Bio: Michael Fardis is Professor and Director of Structures Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Patras, Greece. He is Honorary President of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), having served as its President in 2009-10. He holds MSc degrees in Civil Engineering (1977) and Nuclear Engineering (1978) and a PhD in Structural Engineering (1979), all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he taught to the rank of Associate Professor in Civil Engineering. He is Vice Chairman of CEN/TC250: "Structural Eurocodes" (2013016) and Director, International Association of Earthquake Engineering (2012-2016).
As chairman of CEN/TC250/SC8: Eurocode 8: "Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance" (1999-2005), he led the development of its six parts into European Standards. He has over 200 papers in international journals or conference proceedings (among them, 23 invited lectures) and several books. He coordinated several multi-million European Union’s research projects. He received the 1993 Wason Medal of the American Concrete Institute for the best paper in materials

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  • Prof. K. Beyer


  • Prof. K. Beyer



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