Exponential sums over smooth numbers


Event details

Date 28.01.2015
Hour 11:0012:00
Speaker Adam Harper
Category Conferences - Seminars
Abstrait: A number is said to be $y$-smooth if all of its prime factors are at most $y$. Exponential sums over the $y$-smooth numbers less than $x$ have been widely investigated, but existing results were weak if $y$ is too small compared with $x$. For example, if $y$ is a power of $\log x$ then existing results were insufficient to study ternary additive problems involving smooth numbers, except by assuming conjectures like the Generalised Riemann Hypothesis.
I will try to describe my recent work on bounding mean values of exponential sums over smooth numbers, which allows an unconditional treatment of ternary additive problems even with $y$ a (large) power of $\log x$. There are connections with restriction theory and additive combinatorics.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Eva Bayer Fluckiger


  • Natascha Fontana

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