From Software to Circuits: Open Source High-Level Synthesis for FPGA-based Processor/Accelerator Systems


Event details

Date 10.06.2014
Hour 15:15
Speaker Jason ANDERSON, University of Toronto
Category Conferences - Seminars
In this talk, we will describe a high-level synthesis tool, called LegUp, being developed at the University of Toronto. LegUp accepts a standard C program as input and automatically compiles the program to a hybrid architecture containing an FPGA-based MIPS soft processor and custom hardware accelerators that communicate through a standard bus interface. Results show that the tool produces hardware solutions of comparable quality to a commercial high-level synthesis tool. LegUp, along with a set of benchmark C programs, is open source and freely downloadable (, providing a powerful platform that can be leveraged for new research on a wide range of high-level synthesis topics.  The tool has been downloaded by over 1000 groups from around the world since its initial release in March 2011.  The talk will overview LegUp's current capabilities, as well as current research directions underway.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Paolo Ienne


  • Sylvie Thomet



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