Generalized Wilson-Fisher fixed points from conformal multiplet recombination


Event details

Date 21.03.2017
Hour 11:3012:30
Speaker Ferdinando Gliozzi
Category Conferences - Seminars

Smooth conformal deformations of the generalized free field theories in arbitrary dimensions can be studied by exploiting the singularity structure of the conformal blocks dictated by the null states. It is straightforward to derive in this way, to the first non-trivial order in the epsilon expansion, using just CFT data, the anomalous dimensions and OPE coefficients of infinite classes of local operators  in single-scalar and O(N)-invariant theories. We do not use Lagrangians nor equations of motion. In the cases where other computational methods apply, the results agree

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Joao Penedones


  • Corinne Weibel


het seminar

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