How wind models tree architecture


Event details

Date 24.05.2016
Hour 12:1513:30
Speaker Prof. Christophe Eloy, IRPHE Marseille
Category Conferences - Seminars
The aerial part of a tree can be viewed as the response to the following engineering problem: build a mechanically stable structure, as light as possible and allowing the tree a maximal access to sunlight. To respond to these requirements, tree grow by producing at each step “units” of similar size. It can thus seem paradoxal that its architecture is generally self-similar with branches statistically shorter and thinner near the foliage. Since branches cannot grow in length from year to year, this hierarchy is only possible through the end-to-end aggregation of different branches and the loss of lateral branches. The architecture of a tree is therefore the result of a complex growth strategy and history. During this seminar, I will present a model that aims to better understand these mechanisms.

Bio: My research addresses various fundamental problems of fluid and solid mechanics, including fluid-structure interactions, hydrodynamic instabilities, animal locomotion, aeroelasticity, rotating flows, and plant biomechanics. It generally involves a combination of analytical modeling, experiments, and numerical work.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Prof. Christophe Ancey (LHE) et Prof. François Gallaire (LFMI)


  • Prof. Christophe Ancey (LHE) et Prof. François Gallaire (LFMI)

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