IEM Distinguished Lecturers Seminar: Shaping electromagnetic waves with tunable metasurface: from physics to products


Event details

Date 05.05.2023
Hour 13:1514:00
Speaker Dr Geoffroy Lerosey, Greenerwave, co-founder, CEO/CSO
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
The seminar will take place in ELA 2 and will be simultaneously broadcasted in the main auditorium in Neuchâtel Campus (MC A1 272).

Coffee and cookies will be served at 13:00 before the seminar, in front of the two auditoriums. 


In this talk I will show how, starting from the field of waves in complex media in acoustics and RF, we learned how to control the propagation of light through very scattering media using smart reconfigurable reflectors, namely spatial light modulators.
I will explain how this has led us, almost 10 years ago, to propose to use tunable metasurfaces as smart reflectors to enhance wireless communications. I will show the first results obtained and published in 2014, that proved how a small tunable metasurface placed in an office room can multiply by 10 the energy transmitted between 2 antennas. I will propose a basic application to wireless communications in the context of WIFI, obtained by the startup Greenerwave years ago, thus showing the first use of a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) in a communication system.
Then, I will underline how defining a concept in a lab is very different from designing a product and explain how difficult it was for us to bring these ideas to the market. This will lead me to detail how we have pivoted the company 2 years after creation, to develop more timely products based on the same core technology of reconfigurable metasurfaces and physics-based algorithms to control them. I will underline this pivot with two main applications, the first one in the very low frequency range of RFID, and the second one in the higher one of millimeter wave, with our unique design of electronically steerable antennas for Satcom and 5G applications.
Finally I will make a brief overview of our current developments in the RIS domain, with the first RIS aided wireless communications realized in the mmWave range, demonstrating non line of sight mmWave data transmission using low complexity and low consumption tunable metasurfaces.

Geoffroy Lerosey is the co-founder and the inventor of the concepts behind Greenerwave with Mathias Fink. He is on leave from academia to fully support the company’s development and bring his scientific expertise as CEO and CSO. Geoffroy earned an engineering degree from ESPCI Paris, a Master’s degree in electronics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie and a PhD in Physics from Université Paris Diderot. He joined University of California at Berkeley for Postdoctoral research working mainly on metamaterials and plasmonics. Coming back to France, Geoffroy was appointed by French main academic research organization CNRS in 2008 and started a group at Institut Langevin (CNRS & ESPCI Paris). Geoffroy’s research are in metamaterials and metasurfaces, time reversal and signal processing, subwavelength imaging and focusing techniques, wavefront shaping in optics and RF, photonic and phononic crystals, reverberating and locally resonant media, and span many domains of wave physics from acoustics to optics. Geoffroy has been invited more than 100 times at international conferences and has given invited seminars in many universities worldwide. His research led to 120 scientific articles, 25 patents and 2 startups.