IEM Industry Seminar: A New Dimension of Ceramic Additive Manufacturing: Multi-layered and Functionally Graded Ceramics


Event details

Date 25.05.2023
Hour 14:15
Speaker Prof. Serkan Nohut, Lithoz Corporation
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Thanks to outstanding mechanical properties and the achievable accuracy, ceramic 3D printing is considered as one of the most promising but also one of the most complex disciplines in additive manufacturing (AM). Having now reached the level of industrial mass production in first application areas with single material ceramic 3D printing, there is already the next big thrust of innovation happening: 3D-printed multi-layered and functionally graded ceramics (“FGCs”) with flexible architectures.
In recent years the quest for combining two different materials and/or material properties in one single application has strongly gained momentum. The prospect to not only customize an application’s design but also to include multiple functionalities has sparked many industries’ attention, but it has been subject to years of research how to get there. This presentation will present first achievements to fabricate 3D-printed advanced ceramic components with complex geometries and controlled microstructural texture and architecture by means of the selective curing of a combination of different photosensitive suspensions using the concept of vat photopolymerization. These different suspensions can be combined in discrete or gradient transitions to enable new designs and functionalities that can open a new dimension of applications and possibilities for advanced ceramics.

The presentation will also discuss and identify potential applications from biomedical implants over sensors and electronics to filters or thermomechanical devices, that can only become reality in that complexity by employing ceramic 3D printing technology. Attendees will learn how complementary material properties such as dense and porous, hard and ductile, or even conductive and insulating, can be combined in one single component using multi-material ceramic 3D-printing.

Speaker Bio
Prof. Dr. Serkan Nohut is professor of mechanical engineering at Piri Reis University in Istanbul. Dr. Nohut did his PhD on reliability of advanced ceramics at Institute of Advanced Ceramics at TU Hamburg in 2009. From 2010 to 2021, Dr. Nohut worked in academia and industry in different positions. His main research interests are 3D printing, mechanical characterization, and fracture mechanics of advanced ceramics. Prof. Nohut has been working at Lithoz GmbH as a Postdoctoral fellow in the framework of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie scholarship since August 2021.