IEM Industry Seminar: Printing Optical component with inkjet


Event details

Date 01.06.2023
Hour 14:15
Speaker Dr. Marco de Visser, CEO
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
The seminar will explore the landscape of Additive Optics Fabrication.

  • Marco de Visser (40), Kapelle, SW Netherlands.
  • Co-Founder Luximprint, lnnovator 3DP Optics, spin-out of LuxexcelGroup.
  • Founder of Lumenworkx, Optics Mfg & Tech Consultancy.
  • Dutch self-proclaimed 3D Printing and Lighting enthusiast and actively involved with the global lighting, optics and maker movements.
  • 15+ years 3DP/additive optics experience