IEM Seminar Series : Silicon-micromachined THz systems - enabling the large-scale exploitation of the THz frequency spectrum?


Event details

Date 24.02.2023
Hour 15:0016:00
Speaker Prof. Joachim Oberhammer, Ph.D.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stockholm, Sweden
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
The sub-THz frequency spectrum (100-1000 GHz), though already exploited for scientific applications for several decades, is still lacking technology solutions in particular for system integration, high-performance passive components and interfaces including antennas. Furthermore, for a large-scale exploitation of these frequency bands in different applications in society, different fabrication technologies are needed which are volume-manufacturable and have high yield and product uniformity. After an introduction to THz frequencies and applications, this talk shows the state of the art in silicon-micromachining fabrication techniques, which offer outstanding RF performance, proven high-volume manufacturability and system integration capability. Several technology demonstrators based on very low loss micromachined waveguides will be presented, including filters (telecommunication diplexers from D-band frequencies with Q-factors of 1600, up to 750 GHz filters with Q-factors of 900), steerable and corporate-fed antenna arrays up to 39-dBi gain in different bands from 200 to 400 GHz, 220-330 GHz phase shifters with best phase-shift to loss performance in any technology at several sub-THz frequency bands, and micro-electromechanical waveguide switches in several bands up to 750 GHz. Furthermore, micromachined system level solutions including a D-band communication link and a 240 GHz car radar front-end will be presented. The talk closes with a novel radar sensor development involving beam-steering and beam-shape switching enabled by micromachined hardware co-developed with computational-imaging signal-processing methods.

Joachim Oberhammer is a professor in Microwave and THz Microsystems at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Dept. of Micro and Nanosystems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, since 2015. He has lead radio-frequency/microwave/terahertz micro-electromechanical systems research at KTH for over 15 years. He is author and co-author of more than 150 reviewed research papers and holds 4 patents.
His career includes positions as guest professor "Chair of Excellence" at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, and guest researcher stays at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and at the NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA. He is recipient of an European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant, has been an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 2018-2021, Steering Group member of the IEEE MTT-S and AP-S Chapters Sweden since 2009, has been Steering Group member of the Young Academy of Sweden 2014-2016, Scientific coordinator of the EU RIA H2020 projects Car2TERA and M3TERA, as well as PI of two SEK 35 million strategic framework grants on electronics and terahertz communication, and received six Best Paper Awards at IEEE conferences.