IMX seminar: The Physics of Next Generation Materials for Quantum Technologies and Solar Energy Harvesting


Event details

Date 03.03.2022
Hour 16:0017:00
Speaker Hannah Stern, University of Cambridge, UK
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
The Physics of Next Generation Materials for Quantum Technologies and Solar Energy Harvesting

Dr. Hannah Stern

University of Cambridge, UK
Materials have always been a bearer of new technologies. Currently, we look towards new materials for more efficient solutions to energy production, computing and global communication. However, the materials we use must not only have high performance, but also be affordable and scalable to have widespread impact. In this talk, I will present two examples from my research of novel optically-active materials, molecular semiconductors and two-dimensional materials, that are contributing to efficiency-beating solar cells and scalable quantum photonic technologies. In both cases, the mechanistic understanding of their photophysics, and the formation of optical excitations with spin, is critical to their application. I will show how gaining an understanding of the photophysics of both systems has opened routes towards realising engineered nano-scale and quantum systems.
In addition, I will outline my plans to transform defects in wide-bandgap two-dimensional materials to a platform for quantum networks and sensing. Finally, I will present my vision to identify, understand and engineer other novel material systems for next generation quantum technologies.